Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Coming Full Circle

3rd post in 3 days.. I'm feeling on top of things and it's great :) Today I signed up for the Race for the Cure with my mom and dad; I've participated in the race multiple times before but after the past year, but it has acquired an entirely new meaning. I had never had the immediate connection in my family to breast cancer, but it had clearly impacted families around me. Being able to walk with my mom this year will be something I wont ever forget.
On November 12, 2012, I would've never pictured this situation playing out the way it has. I have a new found respect for my sweet mom and all the sacrifices she makes to keep my family afloat. Those 40 days put into perspective how important she is to me and how amazing of a woman she is. She put on her bravest face for me & my brothers, when I know it was an extremely hard thing for her to do for us. Hindsight is always 20/20, and sometimes I wonder if I'd be who I am without this past year. 
I'm excited to see where this year takes my family and more importantly, my mom. I hope we continue to realize how important our time together is and continually make her feel special for who she is. 
Here's a website for you to donate if you can't make it out to the Race for the Cure on October 5th, but if you can - do! 

Jeremiah 29:11 always gets it right:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
 I hope y'all race for the cure. Happy Tuesday & all my love. 


  1. Yeah I posted for the first time in WEEKS...slacker

    1. Hehe sorry :) I love that you post too. I like your life. Lots.
