Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

Here I am, apologizing, yet again, for letting this blog get away from me.. It's a hard thing to keep up with when life starts to get out of hand (and when you have a super uninteresting life and can't really find anything earth-shattering to write about).
It has been a crazy couple weeks though; everything that has happened has put everything in perspective in the best kinds of ways. 
A week ago today, I had some really bad health issues at school and had to be taken to this hospital by EMS - boy, am I not used to that! The tests took all day and I was exhausted. But, at the end of the day, I was thrilled to know I was on the right track to feeling like myself again. On Halloween, I was very thankful for my health and the EMS teams, nurses and doctors that took care of me so wonderfully that day. 
I've also gotten wrapped up in finishing out the last 6 weeks of this semester (I'm so not ready for finals yet..) and all the busy, but exciting things I get to do in the next couple weeks. 
I've really been thinking about 1 Timothy 6:12 lately and it's really starting to hit home.
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Wow. I have been called by my Creator to fight this battle against those who call me by my sin. I have been called to confess my testimony over and over again to those around me. I have been called to take hold of the eternal life to which I have been called to.
As I continue to grow and learn through the Episcopal Church, I understand this calling more and more and feel more equipped and empowered to take it on, day by day. Although it may seem looming, scary and a heavy burden, I understand that the Lord is working through me. And that is one exciting thing. 
All my love, Ashleigh 
I also had a little bit of fun hanging out with some TriDelts at UK last weekend!

And celebrating one of my favorite's 17th birthday, Siobhan/Chevron/Sio!

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